This is the place for a number of free trainings and information about the Personal Mastery Martial Arts program. Over the last 24 years Personal Mastery has been an integral part of the Sandy community and surrounding areas. Please feel free to utilize the materials you find here and share them with anyone you may feel could benefit from our powerful lessons. Thank you.
If you want to learn that absolute best methods for achieving personal excellence for your child or yourself then you have come to the right place. Brett Lechtenberg and the team at Personal Mastery Martial Arts have been working with elite performers and high achievers from around the world and fields ranging from: Olympian's, Special Forces Military, Survival/Extreme endurance experts, Elite human performance experts and many more to develop this program over a 25 year period.
This is a three part training series on how to train children to respectful and confident and NOT a spoiled brat.
Here you can enjoy our three part training series on how to ensure your child has a successful back to school experience and builds their self confidence.
This video training series teaches a step by step framework for systematically, and predictably building a child's self-confidence.
Grab your FREE copy of our quick start pdf that will help your child build incredibly effective study habits.
Download your FREE copy of this special report by Master Brett Lechtenberg - The Anti-Bully Program. This has been taught to over ten thousands of children around the country.
Download your FREE copy of this special report by Master Brett Lechtenberg - How To Counter The Cyber Bully Program. This has been taught to thousands of children around the country.
Burn of extra energy, boost your immune system from COVID-19, lose weight, build confidence, and much more.
Check out our incredible no risk trial.