1st Dan through 3rd Dan
4th Dan through 6th Dan
JITAE - Means a man with both feet on the ground who is looking at the sky. A man on the earth represents the ways of struggling for human life, such as kicking, walking and jumping on the ground. Therefore, the poomsae symbolizes various aspects occurring in the course of a human being's struggle for existence.
4th Dan through 9th Dan
The American Creative Poomse The American Creative (Chang Jak) Poomse used in our school exemplifies the spirit of America. Our independence, unity, perseverance, and the desire to create within us a solid foundation. One that can withstand the test of time and change. An ability to set new standards to achieve higher goals and enlighten ourselves to a moment of peace. Grand Master Chung arrived here in the United States in the late 1960’s. His purpose was to teach taekwondo. During the 1970’s the Northwest Taekwondo Association had 16 branch schools in the northwest. With this great success and a large following of students Master Chung wanted to contribute something new to his newfound homeland. He had been quietly creating a series of patterns for five years. These five poomse are very well planned and the most aesthetically pleasing forms that I have seen. These are creative forms, however, they are not random free for all movements that one sees in sport competition. Master Chung’s forms are symmetrical, have power and grace. They are worthy of our efforts to perfect them and pass them on to the next generation of martial artists. Originally he named them after the great presidents he so admired. He felt that these great leaders set the ideals and a vision for our country. This was his tribute to America what makes America great.
1st Dan through 3rd Dan
Ill Ban - This form was originally named E Pluribus Unum. A Latin term meaning “from many we are one.” Signifying solidarity in our form of government and lifestyle. It is present in the eagle’s beak that appears on the president’s seal. The phrase is also the 29
symbol of the collective foundation, a foundation that we all help to build. Its carries strong basic movements with emphasis on power and stability.
Ee Ban - Originally named after George Washington. The first American Presidents the symbol of a new beginning. As George Washington is a symbolic beginning for all the presidents that follow, this poomse marks the beginning beyond the basics. It contains the first jump techniques showing security in basics, with the ability to leave the ground.
Sa Ban - Originally named after Franklin Roosevelt, F.D.R was a man of action. He paved the road to America’s future. F.D.R got America on its feet again and was loved by millions. Our poomse is a tribute to Franklin Delano Roosevelt and what he did for America. The poomse is a very complex and contains many integrated movements. It is long and will take patience, hard work, and focused discipline to master this poomse. It has the flavor of the struggle by Americans in the post depression years.
Oh Ban - Originally named after John F. Kennedy. John F. Kennedy was truly a man of vision. He was the impetus which passed the civil rights bill. John F. Kennedy was an integrated human being. Possessing those characteristics that bring out the best in all of us. Thus the poomse is an integration of all the basic movements that prepares student for the path for a Dan.